Wednesday, February 24, 2010

P'art of the day: Lexus LFA A-Pillar

Todays p'art exhibits robotic craftsmanship at its best

The Lexus LFA is a tribute to over engineering. To construct the A-Pillar Toyota (Lexus' parent company) have one of only two dual tube rotary looms in the entire world! This allows them to construct almost any three dimensional shape seamlessly from carbon fibre.

As if this wasnt impressive enough, by virtue of its dual tube design, it can weave a 3d shape within a 3d shape. This allows the LFA's A-Pillars to be manufactured to a level approaching the theoretical ideal. It allows them to be lighter and stronger than practically any other possible design.

Lexus used similar advanced composite techniques to produce shapes in the body work that simply aren't achievable with metal, such as the air intakes on the shoulders. To finish heres a video of the dual tube rotary loom in action. Oh Lexus pulled the video. Bummer.

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